With all of these components that create your identity, paying attention to detail is something that will set you apart from other designers. Too often small things are overlooked because the focus is on the final product, the big picture. Taking the time to correct small errors and finding the places that need adjustments will benefit you greatly in the end.
"We want designers who create thoughtful, meaningful designs that pay attention to details and have emotion and craft in them as well as reason and cleverness."For example, there are a lot of small changes that can be made to my past works that I have in my portfolio. Having so much time in between the current time and the time that these works for created leaves a lot of room for errors to be found. Simple things, mostly, but nonetheless things that need to be changed.
(Siegel, 10)
What students need to understand is that they expand their design skills as time goes on, many times without them even realizing it. You should be able to look back on the things that you made when you first got to school and know that, if given the chance, you would do a much better job in the present state. When presenting these works, however, you should take the time to make the changes that will make you look like an all-around better designer.
It is important to make sure that you are a detailed designer who pays attention to everything that you are doing. This will not only set you apart from other people who are applying for the same jobs, but is also a way to expand your design sense.